Submission Instructions


The submissions should be formatted using the following LaTeX style files and template.  

There is no formal page limit for the submission, and it should contain all details, proofs and derivations required to substantiate the results. However, the reviewers are not required to read beyond the first 12 pages when evaluating the submission. Therefore, the first 12 (or fewer) pages should contain a concise and clear presentation of the paper’s contributions, as well as sufficient detail to convince the reviewers of the paper’s merits. Additional pages should be used for references, technical details and derivations, and not for presenting key new ideas or contributions. Your manuscript will be treated as being in close-to-final form and reflective of the final paper. Therefore significant issues with presentation (such as excessive typos and missing definitions) and incorrect, missing or unintelligible proofs can be grounds for rejection.

Dual submission policy

Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that have been previously published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other peer-reviewed conferences with proceedings may not be submitted to COLT. The same policy applies to journals, unless the submission is a short version of a paper submitted to a journal, and not yet published. Authors must declare such dual submissions either through the Easychair submission form, or via email to the program chairs.


COLT reviewing is not double-blind, and program committee members will have access to author identities. However, in order to aid in minimizing the effect of initial impressions based on author identity, and in order to allow program committee members to seek double-blind reviews from sub-referees, submissions should NOT include author names or other identifying information.

  • Use the [anon] option, as in the LaTeX template, to suppress author names from appearing in the submission.
  • To the extent possible, avoid including directly identifying information. You should still include all relevant references, discussion, and scientific content, even if this might provide significant hints as to the author identity. You should generally refer to your own prior work in third person.
  • Avoid including acknowledgments in the submission (these can be added later).
  • It is expressly allowed to make available online a non-anonymized version of the submission or any other material that might reveal the author identities, e.g. on the author’s web pages, on arXiv, or on any other site.

Submitting your paper

Papers should be submitted through Easychair by 11:00 PM EST on Feb. 17, 2017.

Please contact the COLT chairs at [email protected] in case of questions about the policy or technical issues with the submission process.

Looking forward to reading your submissions and good luck!