Important dates
Submission Deadline
Feb. 1, 11pm EST
Author Feedback
Mar. 22-27
Authors Notification
Apr. 17 (tentative)
Open Problems Deadline
May 10
Early Registration ends
May 24
June 25-28
keynote speakers

Emma Brunskill
/ Stanford /Emma Brunskill is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University where she leads the AI for Human Impact group. She was previously on faculty at Carnegie Mellon University. She is the recipient of a multiple early faculty career awards (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Microsoft Research) and her group has received several best research paper nominations (CHI, EDMx3) and awards (UAI, RLDM).

Moritz Hardt
/ Berkeley / Moritz Hardt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. His research aims to make the practice of machine learning more robust, reliable, and aligned with societal values.
Program chairs:
Alina Beygelzimer (Yahoo! Research)Daniel Hsu (Columbia University)
Open problems chair:
Jake Abernethy (Georgia Tech)Sponsorship chairs:
Satyen Kale (Google)Robert Schapire (Microsoft Research)
Local Arrangements chair:
Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv University and Google)Peter Grunwald (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Women in Machine Learning Theory:
Ruth Urner (York University)Program committee:
Jacob Abernethy (Georgia Tech)Alekh Agarwal (Microsoft Research)
Shivani Agarwal (University of Pennsylvania)
Shipra Agrawal (Columbia University)
Alexandr Andoni (Columbia University)
Sivaraman Balakrishnan (Carnegie Mellon University)
Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley)
Mihail Belkin (Ohio State University)
Shai Ben-David (University of Waterloo)
Guy Bresler (MIT)
Emma Brunskill (Stanford University)
Sebastien Bubeck (Microsoft Research)
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi (University of Milan)
Moses Charikar (Stanford University)
Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE)
Sanjoy Dasgupta (UC San Diego)
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California)
John Duchi (Stanford University)
Tim van Erven (Universiteit Leiden)
Vitaly Feldman (Google)
David Gamarnik (MIT)
Rong Ge (Duke University)
Claudio Gentile (Universita degli Studi dell’Insubria)
Peter Grunwald (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Moritz Hardt (UC Berkeley)
Elad Hazan (Princeton University and Google Brain)
Prateek Jain (Microsoft Research)
Satyen Kale (Google)
Varun Kanade (University of Oxford)
Daniel Kane (UC San Diego)
Adam Klivans (UT Austin)
Wouter Koolen (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Tomer Koren (Google)
Akshay Krishnamurthy (Microsoft Research)
Edo Liberty (Amazon AI Labs)
Roi Livni (Tel Aviv University)
Gabor Lugosi (ICREA and Pompeu Fabra University)
Haipeng Luo (University of Southern California)
Raghu Meka (UC Los Angeles)
Ankur Moitra (MIT)
Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)
Praneeth Netrapalli (Microsoft Research)
Gergely Neu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Behnam Neyshabur (New York University)
Francesco Orabona (Boston University)
Vianney Perchet (ENS Paris-Saclay and Criteo)
Luis Rademacher (UC Davis)
Maxim Raginsky (University of Illinois)
Sasha Rakhlin (MIT)
Aaditya Ramdas (Carnegie Mellon University)
Prateek Jain (Microsoft Research)
Satyen Kale (Google)
Varun Kanade (University of Oxford)
Daniel Kane (UC San Diego)
Adam Klivans (UT Austin)
Wouter Koolen (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Tomer Koren (Google)
Akshay Krishnamurthy (Microsoft Research)
Edo Liberty (Amazon AI Labs)
Roi Livni (Tel Aviv University)
Gabor Lugosi (ICREA and Pompeu Fabra University)
Haipeng Luo (University of Southern California)
Raghu Meka (UC Los Angeles)
Ankur Moitra (MIT)
Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)
Praneeth Netrapalli (Microsoft Research)
Gergely Neu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Behnam Neyshabur (New York University)
Francesco Orabona (Boston University)
Vianney Perchet (ENS Paris-Saclay and Criteo)
Luis Rademacher (UC Davis)
Maxim Raginsky (University of Illinois)
Sasha Rakhlin (MIT)
Aaditya Ramdas (Carnegie Mellon University)
Philippe Rigollet (MIT)
Robert Schapire (Microsoft Research)
Ohad Shamir (Weizman Institute)
Aaron Sidford (Stanford University)
Karthik Sridharan (Cornell University)
Xiaorui Sun (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Vasilis Syrgkanis (Microsoft Research)
Csaba Szepesvari (University of Alberta)
Matus Telgarsky (University of Illinois)
Gregory Valiant (Stanford University)
Michal Valko (INRIA)
Santosh Vempala (Georgia Tech)
Roman Vershynin (UC Irvine)
Aravindan Vijayaraghavan (Northwestern University)
Nisheeth Vishnoi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Mengdi Wang (Princeton University)
Manfred Warmuth (UC Santa Cruz)
Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago)
Bob Williamson (Data61 and Australian National University)
David Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon University)
Robert Schapire (Microsoft Research)
Ohad Shamir (Weizman Institute)
Aaron Sidford (Stanford University)
Karthik Sridharan (Cornell University)
Xiaorui Sun (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Vasilis Syrgkanis (Microsoft Research)
Csaba Szepesvari (University of Alberta)
Matus Telgarsky (University of Illinois)
Gregory Valiant (Stanford University)
Michal Valko (INRIA)
Santosh Vempala (Georgia Tech)
Roman Vershynin (UC Irvine)
Aravindan Vijayaraghavan (Northwestern University)
Nisheeth Vishnoi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Mengdi Wang (Princeton University)
Manfred Warmuth (UC Santa Cruz)
Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago)
Bob Williamson (Data61 and Australian National University)
David Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon University)
Local & Travel information
Conference venue
The conference is held at the Phoenix Convention Center, located in heart of downtown Phoenix, AZ. It is co-located with FCRC, which includes conferences such as STOC and EC.
Welcome reception
The welcome reception is on Monday, June 24, 5:30pm-7:30pm.
It will take place in 103AB.
The conference dinner is on Wednesday, June 26 at 7pm.
It will take place in 120A.
Visa support
ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters, or members of the conference committee. See the FCRC visa support page.