Thirty-third Annual Conference on Learning Theory
The 33rd Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2020) takes place in Graz, Austria from July 9–12. It is conveniently close in space and time to ICML 2020, which takes place in Vienna immediately after COLT.
The keynote speakers for COLT 2020 are David Blei (Columbia University), Salil Vadhan (Harvard University) and Rebecca Willett (University of Chicago).
COVID-19 Update
The COVID-19 situation has impacted all our lives in unprecedented ways. This includes all members of the COLT community: authors, reviewers, meta-reviewers, chairs, steering committee members and organizers, and everyone who planned to attend COLT. The situation has required us to update our plans for COLT 2020 in two important ways:
- COLT 2020 will take place entirely virtually.
- The reviewing process is being slowed, and decision notifications will accordingly be delayed.
Several details are still being worked out, and we will communicate these as decisions are made.
Conference organization
Program chairs
- Jacob Abernethy (Georgia Tech)
- Shivani Agarwal (University of Pennsylvania)
Local arrangements chairs
- Peter Auer (University of Leoben)
- Robert Legenstein (Graz University of Technology)
Publications chair
- Suriya Gunasekar (Microsoft Research)
Open problems chair
- Vitaly Feldman (Apple AI Research)
Sponsorships chairs
- Satyen Kale (Google Research)
- Varun Kanade (Oxford University)
WiML-T chairs
- Ruth Urner (York University)
- Claire Verande (DeepMind)
Diversity and Inclusion chairs
- Alina Beygelzimer (Yahoo)
- Sanjoy Dasgupta (UC San Diego)
Virtual arrangements chairs
- Peter Grünwald (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- Benjamin Guedj (University College London)
- Daniel Hsu (Columbia University)
- Satyen Kale (Google Research)
- Wouter Koolen (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
We are so grateful to our sponsors whose extraordinary generosity has been critical to the continued success of the conference, particularly by making it possible for students to attend and present their research. For information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the sponsorship chairs at