Conference on Learning Theory

The 37th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2024) takes place June 30–July 3, 2024 in Edmonton, Canada. It will be preceded on June 27–29 by the second RL theory workshop.

Request an invitation letter or travel/registration aid.

Keynote speakers: Adam Tauman Kalai, Michal Valko, and Constantinos Daskalakis.

Photo by Brandon Erlinger-Ford on Unsplash

Important Dates

All dates are in 2024.

February 9 Submission deadline
April 5–12 Author Response period
Before May 10 Author notification
June 27–29 RL theory workshop
June 30–July 3 Conference
Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

Conference Organization

Program Chairs

Local Chairs

Sponsorship Chairs

Publication Chair

Open Problems Chair

Program committee


We are very grateful to our sponsors whose extraordinary generosity has been critical to the continued success of the conference, particularly by making it possible for students to attend and present their research. For information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the sponsorship chairs at [email protected].

Contact Information